Knowledge mapping

85 mins of work






Pen, paper, computer


Program Lead



Introduction: In a complex world where we need to adapt quickly and there is an overflow of different information, learning is a skill that we need to cultivate differently than is done in a traditional school - we need to become more intentional about what information we pay attention to.

One reason is the cognitive load - it is simply very energy-consuming to try and take in all the information around us.

Although capacity to learn from different sources is a relevant future skill, there are limitations to us doing so: e.g. what we pay attention to and value is shaped by our backgrounds, our education etc. We have biases - like being drawn to details that confirm our beliefs, and noticing flaws in others more easily than in ourselves. Intention

In this task, we aim to become more intentional about the knowledge we consume. How do we choose to use our limited capacity for taking in information, based on who we want to be? In this task, we first examine our own engagement with knowledge and information, mapping out the knowledge we consume and follow. Then, we use this as a starting point to create personal strategies for becoming a better learner, and for facilitating an environment of learning as a pioneer.



(15min) Reflect individually: What are your main sources of information and knowledge? What kind of knowledge do you value most? You can choose to map this out on a piece of paper. Guiding questions: How is the knowledge you choose to consume influenced by your family and education? Think back to the last week - who did you listen to? Who do you go to for advice? Who do you willingly learn from? What kind of knowledge sources do you go to online or in books, when you look for information by yourself? What kind of knowledge do you trust and mistrust? Whose teaching do you reject and why?


(30min) Share insights with a buddy, and help each other to figure out: Are you happy with the kind of knowledge that informs your life? Is there something you would like to change? Honestly and realistically? Guiding questions: What might you be missing out on understanding if you keep consuming and trusting the same knowledge? if you keep learning from the same sources? Who could you become by changing the knowledge you consume? Who/what else would you like to listen to more? What kind of knowledge would you like to stop consuming/trusting?


(20min) Reflect on how your knowledge map influences you as a pioneer: Guiding questions: In which parts of the program will you be more challenged? What kind of participants or group members will be easy/difficult for you to learn with? When do you want to stand your ground and when do you want to practice more openness to different/new knowledge?


(20min) Group discussion:

How can we create a learning environment where the knowledge in the room best supports who we want to become as Future Leaders? (both team and participants) Is there some kind of knowledge we want to invite in more? Are there mindsets, habits, rules we want to cultivate?

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