Relationship mapping


In this task, we map out our current relationships to gain insight into the state of our relations and the impact these relations have on our lives. This to become more aware of our interpersonal patterns of behavior. This will enable us to create personal strategies for building the relations that better fill our relational needs, as well as make better collaborations possible.


Each of us is part of a number of relations. The state of our relations has an impact on us as individuals, and our interpersonal patterns of behavior also greatly impact our work and what we are able to carry out in the world. As humans, we all have relational needs. Though our social needs may vary, a good/lack of a safety-net/support system can have a huge impact on our mental health. An analysis of the current state of our relations can give awareness about our ability to foster healthy relations that meet our relational needs. Dysfunctional patterns of behavior in our personal lives can easily affect both work and other areas. For example, one's ability to trust others might be dysfunctional in both personal relationships and in your role as a leader. Our aim is that by looking deeply at our personal relationships we can both encourage action towards deeper healthier relationships and increase awareness of our own interpersonal behavior. What is a thriving, healthy relation? A big part of this answer is personal, but these relations may be characterized by mutual support, learning, and development, and that tensions and conflicts in the relationship lead to richer outcomes.


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