

No matter if we are aware of them or not, our emotions influence our actions, behaviour and leadership capacities.

As leaders, our emotional skills have a bigger impact.

Research within Emotional Intelligence shows that the higher up one is in organizational hierarchy, the more crucial emotional skills become to success. Similarly, being in a position of power makes it more likely that our emotional state and ability to manage our emotions have an effect on other people.

In addition, leadership concerned with global issues requires the capacity to deal with the emotional load of what is happening in the world, in addition to our immediate surroundings.

Being able to recognize and describe our emotional state in its complexity, especially when it is difficult, increases our ability to deal with the world as it is, increases resilience, wellbeing, ability to take constructive actions, take decisions and achieve goals.


The intention of this task is to increase our ability to recognize, understand and manage our own emotions.

We aim to become aware of the role that emotions play for us, to identify where we have room for improvement in emotional skills, and to create personal strategies for improving our emotional skills.



http://ei.yale.edu/ https://ideas.ted.com/why-we-should-say-no-to-positivity-and-yes-to-our-negative-emotions/


https://www.nytimes.com/2016/06/05/opinion/sunday/are-you-in-despair-thats-good.html?_r=0 https://hbr.org/2014/05/emotions-are-data-too

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