Handbook: How prepare for a good Future Leaders year
Handbook: How prepare for a good Future Leaders year
Welcome to this handbook! We are super happy to have you on our team, and therefore we hope to make it as easy as possible for you to find good solutions for this crazy adventure!
Future Leaders exists to help youth coming together to create a better tomorrow through leadership!
In this handbook we have used experiences and previous fails to create a “best practice” on what should be done before the first gathering based on the knowledge we have today. This serves as a guide and not a law. We trust you to make your own decisions and do what you think is right.
If you are ever in doubt of anything Steve is the go to guy. His sole mission is to make it as easy as possible to run a Future Leaders program :)
The handbook suggests processes, leadership tricks and deadlines you should keep to have the smoothest possible run.
Before you start, take a look at the details for this year's program
Project mandat Future Leaders program 2018/19 (This describes the goal with the program)
This year we are running programs in:
Preparation Phase
Recruitment/ building your internal team
So; you want to start by building your team. This way, you’ll have more fun, and achieve more!
Future Leaders is build on three pillars: academia, org and impact.
All these are necessary for us to achieve our goal. To work as efficient as possible this structure should be the one in all Cities where Future Leaders is running.
By building the same structure in all cities we can help each other and grow together.
Each of these pillars have one international leader and one local leader in all cities.
If there are more than 3 cities running in your country you should consider having a national team as well.
So when you start building your team you need:
Leader of academia
Leader of organisation
Leader of impact
You’ll find the rolle descriptions for these here:
When you have a leader team in place you’ll need the following roles recruited:
Pioneers (1 pr 6th participant)
Read all about the pioneer role in the pioneer handbook here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1PhI1LagA0jY68bsQdsuto1thaUaXyMd77OHMUdBX2jA/edit
If you feel the need for any other resource, feel free to expand the team. Based on history a big team calls for a lot of leadership and management, and therefore most people have prefered to have a small but awesome and professional team!
In all of the recruiting we have created a structured way for it to be done, as recruiting the right team is one of the most important things to succeed.
You’re go to helping guide for recruitment is Mari.
She is to be reached at:
Mail: mari@futureleadersglobal.com
Whatsapp: +47 41 31 31 06
Slack: MJ ( Mari-Josefine Yssen Haugen)
Other helpful insight you’ll find here:
This is how you run an interview
This is how you enroll someone on the team
Future Leaders is as you know a non-profit organisation. We aim to earn a lot of money - but only so that we can use them to empower young leaders who can change the world.
We’ve had to learn the hard way that it is key that we have a sustainable economy. From summer 2018 we are focusing on all cities being self funded. This way we can build a global movement! Read more about the process under sales.
As of now the thought is to be best in the world at selling and delivering these to programs, so that everyone can use them to sell locally.
Before you start other operations it is key to have a good budgett up and running.
We have created a standard budget here, that you can use.
If everyone writes in the same document, we can all learn from each other :)
Based on experience the suggested deadline for a up and running budget is August 10th.
All the economy in Future Leaders is transparent and should be available in this folder:
If you lack anything - please ask:
Steve Steve@futureleadersglobal.com or Øyvind o@futuureleadersglobal.com
Each year we aim to market the application process as good as possible to get as many good candidates as possible!
Starting summer 2018 we are defining a message and a strategy for the marketing campaign that everyone can use to help push the message in their city.
You can access the Future Leaders Marketing Kit here https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1-xVymEey9tJOhc6-Emlr55B0EvNVNhOxNdPQY2ofPL4/edit?usp=drive_web&ouid=116340592595528111057
In the marketing kit you’ll find a carefully planned campaign - matched with the profile and program we are running the respective year.
There will be some defined guidelines on the framework for the local marketing, some already developed material that you can use, and also some tips and tricks on how to get it to spread as good as possible!
The suggested deadlines for marketing is set based on experience, you are not obligated to follow them- but we highly suggest you do, to have a fun and pleasant experience! :)
Application Process
The application process in one of the most important happenings of the year for Future Leaders.
The application process is lead by Mari-Josefine
All potential applicants can pre-apply here, the whole year around: https://futureleadersglobal.com/applynow/
All potential applicants can apply here: Site will come when website is up
All info you need for the screening process is here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1qog5pxhmy0GefBEd-SDnJv7f8cDTcqzir0pxUaeq1Uw/edit?usp=drivesdk
All the info you need for the technical part of the process, you’ll find here:https://docs.google.com/document/d/1qog5pxhmy0GefBEd-SDnJv7f8cDTcqzir0pxUaeq1Uw/edit?usp=drivesdk
Practical preparation
There are some practical preparations that needs to be done to secure a good gathering. Based on the last years of experience we know that this is a fun process if you start early but if you wait - it gets harder and harder.
So some suggestions for important preparations:
Book venues for all gatherings and community events in august. This way you have enough time to close good partnership agreements, find cool venues with a good vibe.
For insight in venues and how to reach out to them, see templates here:
For insight on event venue see here:
Academic preparation
Getting speakers before each gathering is in the history of Future Leaders what has been the biggest frustration element for the local teams. The takeaway is extremely clear: all speakers should be booked in Aug/ Sept. If not you’ll experience unnecessary stress and chaos.
July 20th the speaker profiles will get launched and then you are good to get to it and start booking cool people!
Using the profiles for each gathering start doing research together with the international academia team on who would be a good fit. When you have some alternatives, reach out to them using this email: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1SXnPelMcGN7O4yD_pAYVWAB1FUpL84jW8yoQMDDoL7o/edit
When you receive a yes, you can use this message with info to the speaker:
Strategic partners
When running the program there are some needs that are always present:
God venue
These things are possible to get through strategic partners, supporting the Future Leaders cause and aiming for a win win.
As Future Leaders aim to be a cool, vibrant brand we should be careful at swapping venue, food etc for marketing - but we can use other cool models to have the same result.
Here you’ll find a guide on who to get strategic partners
Pioneer development
The pioneers are one of the most important roles within the entire organisation.
Pioneer handbook:
Pioneer development is an important process that has enormous ripple effects on all participants, the program and the future of Future Leaders. This process is obligatory for anyone who wants to be a pioneer in Future Leaders. This process has a start-up phase, a implementation phase, and an end phase.
Start Phase
In the start phase, the focus is to prepare to get into the role. All future pioneers must complete online courses in the following themes:
1. Pioneer role, responsibility, and security.
2. Self-Leadership
3. Leadership
4. Facilitation
All courses are conducted online, some assignments can be solved individually, but others will also require the pioneers to meet locally. They will take place between 10-30 August.
All pioneers must also start completing their own training programs starting 10 August.
All pioneers also have to go through 2 physical gatherings. Itinerary for these will be on Novoed, but the gatherings must be facilitated in collaboration with the Head of Academia Local and Head of Academia International.
1. Personal leadership - 2-day gathering with the pioneer's own development in focus.
2. Program overview - 2-day session with a full review of the entire program.
Dates for these collections must be put in September, the choice of dates must be decided locally. This must be coordinated so that the Head of Academia internationally can participate on the program overview.
Implementation Phase
In the implementation phase, the pioneer will juggle his own development/learning and his responsibility for his own participants. It is important that the pioneer manages to find a good balance between this. It is not expected that the role is mastered from day one, but it is expected that the pioneer learns and finds own strategies for the role through the program. This implies:
1. Deep reflections after all gatherings.
2. Completion of training programs throughout the year.
3. Preparation before each gathering.
It is expected that all pioneers have a buddy pioneer to challenge and support throughout the year and meet regularly and/or as needed. Buddy description:https://docs.google.com/document/d/1vxOh4zx7UT3qLzfTli4a9HcCupyOFFrzt0o5TdL82rQ/edit?usp=drivesdk
Head of Academia locally is also responsible for arranging necessary reflection evenings/knowledge refill if this would be needed throughout the year.
End phase
In the end phase, the main goal is to extract as many lessons as possible from the direct experiences the pioneers have gone through. This is for both individuals, but also for Future Leaders as a whole.
It is expected that all countries/cities will arrange two gatherings.
1. Gathering to debrief the pioneer's own efforts, development, and learning. Program for this you will find in Novoed (2 days)
2. Gathering to acquire lessons locally that help improves the program for next year's participants. Program for this you will find in Novoed (1 day)
After a lot back and forth we have decided to sell two things:
The full Future Leaders program - to corporates
One module from the Future Leaders program - to corporates.
We have now defined a sales process to help make it as easy as possible.
You can reach out to Elin to set up a intro talk :) elin@futureleaders.no
Team development
We’ve learned that the key to having a fun time while running Future Leaders is getting a good team vibe, where you help eachother out and have fun. Beneath, you can find two gatherings, the first one is a collection of tasks/processes to increase trust and understanding between the team-members. The second one is a collection of tasks to find both a personal and collective direction in your work.
Now there are a lot of things to do - a lot of things to fix - but remember this and you’ll be fine:
In Future Leaders we trust each other. Therefore we trust you to take your own decision. You have the mandate to do what you think is needed to create a good result.
If there is any problems; it’s fine - we can fix it together. Let others know as soon as possible!
While running
How to prep a gathering
The importance of documentation and marketing
Program - the academics of it
Staying a team
Community building
Future Leaders Community
Connecting with other i
Recruitment process
Interviews for improvement
Knowledge transfer
How to host a FL program handbook ( how many participants, how to change program ++) - communication i each city, how to host graduation , what if participants are not there; guidelines and freedom
For all local leaders in Future Leaders.
Local Org leader
Local Impact Leader
Local academia leader
Last updated
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