
This is how and when to start recruting

Step 1: Gathering 3: Casual heads-up (before Christmas break)

  • By the end of Saturday or Sunday at G3, give a smooth and inviting heads-up that it is possible and encouraged for participants to join next year’s team. This gives time for participants to think over the December break (important) and maybe even practice pioneering during the year

Step 2:

Gathering 4: Formal presentation

  • Make an official presentation of the roles, responsibilities and opportunities for people who get involved. Focus on the gains for volunteers, but be realistic about expectations. Host the presentation after the gathering on either Saturday or Sunday evening, and inform the participants beforehand that this presentation will take place, so that they can set aside some extra time for this, if they are interested.

Link to presentation

Step 3.

Gathering 5: Follow-up and reminder

  • Have face-to-face meetings with the participants who are interested to clarify roles and responsibilities, to answer potential questions and to set the expectations to create alignment. Be flexible here! Some participants might be shy and just want to ask a few questions, others have already decided to commit. Divide the face-to-face talks as follow:

- Pioneers talk with their respective participants who want to apply for pioneering

  • CC talks with potential CC

  • PL talks with potential PL

  • Etc.

Step 4.

Gathering 6: Official handover

  • The day after G6 (Sunday) is the day for the official handover. This means that the new team will now take over. Give the ownership and accountability to the next team. Have fun and welcome them in a relaxed, yet exciting way. Don’t go into details, but give them a good and brief overview of the year that is about to come.

  • Plan a day it fits for everybody to have a onboarding day, use doodle, make sure everybody can commit; both old and new team.

Asana template link

Step 5.

March - June: Onboarding phase

This is the time for the new team to get settled, get to know each other and plan the coming program. During this period, continuous and passive support from old team to new team is extremely valuable.

A strong recommendation is that the old team host this “knowledge transfer day” where the old team shares insights and the new team can ask questions. Make the day social and fun.

We recommend that you have a buddy system. The Buddy system should work so that the old CC is the new CC's buddy etc. The old team should be available for the new team always. Be committed, helpful and positive. This is highly recommended in an onboarding process especially in remote teams. This way the open communication dialog between these is established.

Last updated

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