How to market your program
To get cool applicants - people must know about Future Leaders. On this site, you'll find everything you need to know about marketing of the application process.Welcome
Before each program start we have a extra push, fronting a marketing campaign for the program. This is a team effort where both local teams and international teams are key players.
International team
Creating the strategy for the campaign
Creating content for the campaign
Running social media
Local team
Giving the international team insight on how to target relevant candidates on social media.
Publishing FL material on relevant groups ++ on social media
Getting participants and pioners to recommend on social media
Physical events and talks about the program
Important dates 2018/2019 program
Launch New website: July 3rd
Start marketing campaign: July 13th
Marketing kit for cities launched: July 15th
Application process opens: July 25th
Intense marketing periode: August 14th - August 30th Strategy for program 2018/19Strategy marketing campaign 2018/19/untitled/how-to-market-your-program/strategy-marketing-campaign-2018-19
Text brand guidelines: Read more about it here
Visual brand guidelines: Read more about it here
Website: Read more about it here
Social media: Read more about it here
Strategy marketing campaign 2018/19
On this page you'll find the insight in this years marketing campaign.Campaign concept
This years program is centred around these three sayings
You can't solve todays challenges with the same mindset that created them
You are never wrong to do the right thing
We're the kids your boss warned you about
Campaigns on social media
This year we'll focus on highlighting the previous Future Leaders; their achievements, tips, etc.
We have definde a set of campaings that will run the entire phase
Meet the team
I'm a Future Leader
I stand with the Future Leaders
Academic Vibes
Docu summer
Explore the city with X
Old footage and material
Program insight
Success stories Future Leaders
If you wan't further insight; check it out here
Template email - contribute to campaing
Templates - Email to contributors
Meet the team
Hi, hope you are doing good :)
I'm reaching out as we are working hard to build a kick ass marketing campaign for the program this summer.
We aim to communicate as a lifestyle more than as a organisation, and therefore we want our followers to get to know the team.
We consider you to be a good ambassador of the brand - living the Future Leaders values everyday. Therefore we would love to highlight you through a short video.
Video description:
Hi and name
I'm on the Future Leaders team
We want you to make one video for each of these questions. Each video can max be 1 minute.
Why is Future Leaders important?
What can participants expect while attending the program?
What is your biggest take away from working with Future Leaders?
Why do we need Future Leaders?
Do you have a tip for a book, podcast, video or something else that our followers should consume over summer to learn?
How to make the video
Please check out this video before shooting for some quick tips: to do it in english.
Be yourself, we don't want it to be fake or to corporate - be u - be Future Leaders <3 It would be great to receive the video 4 days from now at the latest.
Please make a new folder with your name in this folder. upload the files in the folder with your name. So, what do you think? Are you up for it? :)
Call me at any time if you have some questions; 004795469162 Feel free to have look and contribute with input and ideas for the marketing strategy here.
I'm a Future Leader
Hi, hope you are doing good :)
I'm reaching out as we are working hard to build a kick ass marketing campaign for the program this summer.
We aim to communicate as a lifestyle more than as a organisation, and therefore we want our followers to get to know the Future Leaders.
We consider you to be a good ambassador of the brand - living the Future Leaders values everyday. Therefore we would love to highlight you through a short video.
Video description:
Start all videos with: Hi, my name is …….. and I'm a Future Leader.
We want you to make one video for each of these questions. Each video can max be 1 minute. Make sure one understands the question with your answer.
What are you doing today, and how are you pushing the world in the right direction?
Why is Future Leaders important?
What is your biggest take away from working with Future Leaders?
Why do we need Future Leaders?
How to make the video
Please check out this video before shooting for some quick tips:
Be yourself, we don't want it to be fake or to corporate - be u - be Future Leaders <3 It would be great to receive the video 4 days from now at the latest. Please upload your videos in this folder. Make a new folder with your name on it, and upload your videos in the folder.
So, what do you think? Are you up for it? :)
Success stories - Future Leaders - blog post
Hi, hope you are doing good :)
I'm reaching out as we are working hard to build a kick ass marketing campaign for the program this summer.
We aim to communicate as a lifestyle more than as a organisation, and therefore we want our followers to get to know the Future Leaders.
We consider you to be a good ambassador of the brand - living the Future Leaders values everyday. Therefore we would love to highlight you in our communication the next moths.
We want to feature you in a campaign for the "Future Leaders Success stories".
We hope you want to create a blog post.
The post should be in english, and be about:
Communication a important cause, topic or challenge. Elin suggest you focus on
You're key take aways in your career this far.
We'll have a team going through the text and help make it flawless and with a good flow, so focus on the message.
Remember to:
add 2-4 relevant pictures and set a suggested headline.
Add a bio of who you are.
A Picture of you.
Be yourself, we don't want it to be fake or to corporate - be u - be Future Leaders <3
It would be great to receive the blog post 4 days from now at the latest. Let me know if it's not possible and we'll push it - but remember the best is to just do it :)
Please upload your content in this folder. Make a new folder with your name on it, and upload your content in that folder.
So, what do you think? Are you up for it? :)
Success stories - Future Leaders - video
Hi, hope you are doing good :)
I'm reaching out as we are working hard to build a kick ass marketing campaign for the program this summer.
We aim to communicate as a lifestyle more than as a organisation, and therefore we want our followers to get to know the Future Leaders.
We consider you to be a good ambassador of the brand - living the Future Leaders values everyday. Therefore we would love to highlight you in our communication the next moths.
We want to feature you in a campaign for the "Future Leaders Success stories".
We hope you'll be a part of the Future Leader for a day video series
Follow me around video. How to do it.
Start video with: Hi, my name is …….. I'm a Future Leader, and today you'll follow me around
Make 50% you talking into the camera and 50% you filming your surroundings or interviewing others.
The video will be edited to last for totally 3 minutes. Therefore a good guideline is 15-30 sec to each clip.
How to make the video
Please check out this video before shooting for some quick tips:
For inspo: check out a vlog by casey neistat here:
Be yourself, we don't want it to be fake or to corporate - be u - be Future Leaders <3
It would be great to receive the video 4 days from now at the latest.
Please upload your videos in this folder. Make a new folder within the folder- with your name on it, and upload your videos there.
So, what do you think? Are you up for it? :)
Success stories - Future Leaders - editorial
Hi, hope you are doing good :)
I'm reaching out as we are working hard to build a kick ass marketing campaign for the program this summer.
We aim to communicate as a lifestyle more than as a organisation, and therefore we want our followers to get to know the Future Leaders.
We consider you to be a good ambassador of the brand - living the Future Leaders values everyday. Therefore we would love to highlight you in our communication the next moths.
We want to feature you in a campaign for the "Future Leaders Success stories".
Editorial post
Send us a video, a interview, a blogpost or anything like that about you/ your company - or something you have been involved in
Send us relevant press/ articles
It would be great to receive the it 4 days from now at the latest.
Please upload your videos in this folder. Make a new folder within the folder- with your name on it, and upload your videos there.
So, what do you think? Are you up for it? :)
I stand with the Future Leaders
No template
Academic Vibes
Hi, hope you are doing good :)
I'm reaching out as we are working hard to build a kick ass marketing campaign for the program this summer.
We aim to communicate as a lifestyle more than as a organisation, and therefore we want our followers to get to know the Future Leaders.
We consider you to be a good ambassador of the brand - living the Future Leaders values everyday. Therefore we would love to highlight you in our communication the next moths.
We are running two academic/ inspirational concepts this summer:
Academic vibes - a gathering of good articles
Docu summer - a gathering of good documentaries, ted talks, videos and podcasts.
We want to feature your selection of the following, and would love for you to share with us your to 5-10:
Academic papers
Remember to add:
A picture of you
A short bio describing who you are.
Please copy paste this template - then create a new google chet titled your name and upload it in this folder
Explore the City with Future Leaders
Hi, hope you are doing good :)
I'm reaching out as we are working hard to build a kick ass marketing campaign for the program this summer.
We aim to communicate a lifestyle more than as a organisation, and therefore we want our followers to get to know the Future Leaders.
We consider you to be a good ambassador of the brand - living the Future Leaders values everyday. Therefore we would love to highlight you in our communication the next moths.
We want to feature you in a campaign for the "Explore the city with Future Leaders."
We hope you'll be a part of the Future Leader explorer series
How to do it; explorer video.
Start video with: Hi, my name is …….. I'm a Future Leader, and today I'll introduce you to my favourite spots in X
Make 50% you talking into the camera and 50% you filming your surroundings or interviewing others.
The video will be edited to last for totally 3 minutes. Therefore a good guideline is 15-30 sec to each clip.
Suggestion for spots:
Cool art, cool cafes, cool parks, hidden local jams, best coffee, best drinks, vintage clothing, history, books ++
How to make the video
Please check out this video before shooting for some quick tips:
For inspo: check out a vlog by casey neistat here:
Be yourself, we don't want it to be fake or to corporate - be u - be Future Leaders <3
It would be great to receive the video 4 days from now at the latest
Please upload your videos in this folder. Make a new folder within he folder- with your name on it, and upload your videos there.
So, what do you think? Are you up for it? :)
Last updated
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