This page provides a timeline for how to build the application process. However, make sure that you also read into the other aspects of the application process and responsibility areas.
This page contains a timeline, however the different responsibilities are not assigned in this timeline, so make sure you know what you are responsible for.
To make sure the application process is successful, developmental and a good experience for the different parties, we suggest to begin the work early on.
Marketing is not included in this timeline. Press link for marketing of the application process.
The timeline below is a guideline on how to structure time in the application process. The prior and current application process timeline are found here:
Month 1 (3.0-3.5 months before program start)
Evaluation/ Strategy / Profile gathering: The intention of this gathering is to go through the last year, evaluate and make suggestions for development. The output of this gathering will develop into changes for the application process, program and the profile we are looking for.
Month 2 (Before the application process opens)
Set profile + criteria
Content for application process + templates
Set dates for application process and program
Build platforms (Homerun and Sparkhire)
Make Calendly setup
Make link in HelloSign
Book venue to part 3
Make page for each city on the homepage
Educate those who will evaluate applications
Month 3
Day 1:
Open application process
Post Facebook events
Send email to pre-applicants
Day 28
Deadline part 1
Close application process manually at midnight on Homerun
Day 29
Send application closed email
Day 36
Answers part 1 (Send out email to let the applicants know if they are through or not)
Day 37
Open part 2
Send part 2 information/case email with link to SparkHire
Day 42
Part 2 closes automatically at 23:55 on SparkHire
Day 50
Answer part 2 (Send out email to let applicants know it they are through or not)
Remember to add link to book interview time via Calendly
Day 54-56
Part 3 (interviews)
Day 57
Answer part 3 (Send out email to let applicants know if they have received a spot on the program or not)
HelloSign link for Code of Conduct and Privacy Policy
Ask for dietary restrictions (for gathering lunch) and address (for payment)
Day 59
Deadline to confirm their spot on the program
Day 60
Send email to confirm that they have followed the steps needed (paid invoice, sent allergies, etc.) or send email to let them know what they are missing.
Day 68
(Day before Gathering 1)
Send text with information about location, time and what they need to bring.
Day 69
Application process is over = Program start
Last updated
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